The first assignment focuses on the foundation of exposure to careers in the construction industry. Main objective of this assignment is to understand the drawings and process of specific career. Analyse, research and understand the types of drawings they produce and their main responsibility or job scope. In a group of 5, we had to produce a mind map in one A1 size paper and orthographic drawings. There are two parts in Assignment 1.
Assignment 1A: A1 Mind map
Assignment 1B: Drawing daily life objects to scale on A1 size paper in different view
We had a hard time finding out the types of drawings produced by an interior designer at first. However, we found out many other drawings in detail that they have a process in producing each drawing at different stage. It was a challenge for us to research on the overall process that are present in the industry today. We did our best to present the process and showed examples of the drawings in a whole. It would have been better to show the actual plan drawings but nevertheless we did what we could till the end.
We depended on the use of technology and Internet to finish up our research on the profession given. The use of digital for the assignment greatly improved our knowledge on the requirements of the assignment.
This assignment requires teamwork and cooperation with the others. Without the learning from other group members, I would not have thought of many possibilities that could be done. The advantage of having a team also helped me in improving the mind map and information found based on the assignment. It was a pleasure to work in a group because everyone has different opinions to produce the final mind map.
Since the assignment is based on real-life examples in the industry today, the knowledge and information would be accurate and diversified in the sense of collecting data and putting it in the mind map. Lecturers too helped in compiling and suggesting the things to be included in the mind map.