The final project for this module Introduction to Design is making a Lego display set that reflect a given lego character. This assignment is a continuous assignment since the the beginning of this module using Design Process Journal (DPJ) to understand and research more on the character. This assignment was another Cube Manipulation project that was previously done in Assignment 2. The techniques, design elements and design principles are supposed to be reflected on the final project in conclusion. In this assignment, we are require to manipulate a cube that includes design principles and design elements.
Lego Display Set
Final Assignment -Introduction to Design
In the first tutorial or first crit session, we were supposed to pick out three main keywords of the character given. Those three keywords will then have to reflect on one mock-up models. This crit session supposed to be given choices and selecting the main keyword that will be based on the final model. My three keywords that I chose in the first tutorial session is hairy, gestalt and also rage. These three keywords actually reflected my character, Chewbacca from Star Wars.
Preliminary Crit Session
The final design was initially derived from a cuboid that happened to have many forms and different shapes.
The cuboid can be separated into three parts which are Past, Present, Future. The triangles or pyramids are like modular that combine into continuous and repeated form. It has elements of Chewbacca's feelings that are ups and downs. The triangles has a sequence of solid, hollow and more hollow, which represents Chewbacca's loyalty breaks and his background of losing his partner along his journey.
The idea that derived for the design of the cuboid comes from the abstract art of my paintings. It shows the emotion and uncertainty of Chewbacca's journey as a Star Wars character. It shows depth in mixed feelings and all jumbled up in a whole.
The story behind Chewbaccca's cuboid:-
i) Past: Chewbacca shows strong loyalty towards Han Solo and a strong bond when they worked together as smugglers in the earlier episode of Star Wars series.
ii) Present: After Han Solo's death, Chewbacca becomes lost and then joined scavenger Rey, stormtrooper Finn, and Droid BB-8 on a mission. Thus, the bond became loose and more hollow.
ii) Future: Future holds uncertainty and many doubts on Chewbacca's future. Whether he will continue his journey with Rey or go back to where he belongs?
The last assignment made me think back a lot on the previous assignments whereby the design elements, principles, form or design terms learnt were reflected on the cuboid. I was satisfied of my work in general because of the positive feedback and areas to improve on was given generously. I was lost halfway of this assignment because I did not know what to reflect on my character, But it did not last long as ideas will slowly flow in and stimulate the final design. Overall, it was a great experience and assignment.