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         The trip to a small district in a city was planned in the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. We are required to propose a new urban city centre with better public spaces at the given site. Imagine the site is empty except the roads and significant buildings. You are required to redesign the site base on the issues collected from your site SWOT analysis to make it a better urban centre. We should also focus on the urban planning, public spaces, about people, jobs and activities, basic public facilities, transportation, connectivity and green sustainable initiatives.


         My group was given Bukit Bintang as the site to analyse and look further into. Bukit Bintang is the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur and is famous for its entertainment and shopping activities. The famous Jalan Alor which has various hawker stalls are also situated at Bukit Bintang. As we are required to redesign Bukit Bintang into a more sustainable and friendly to public space, we had to analyse the site critically.




In total, we went to site for 5 times for site analysis. We concluded that there is very little public space and walkability is not encouraged at the area. It is also very congested in terms of traffic and crowd of people. As it is an entertainment and shopping district, we feel like there is a sense of place which attracts the crowd there. We had fun exploring and experiencing Bukit Bintang in doing the site analysis as there are many things that we could easily overlook before that.





Through this site visit, I learnt:

  1. To think critically and determine the feasibility of each element in the city to create a better urban space

  2. To research on urban spaces and how it affects the society and the person using it.  It is to not neglect the function of the elements built in the city that can cause many negative effects by having the urban space.

  3. To think for the people that will in the future use the area so that the spaces would not be wasted. Urban spaces that are no use have no crowds there, as a result affects the sense of place in the site.

  4. To do site analysis as I have never done it before for a specific area. Before that, I have never done site analysis about the site context and also did not know about the reason of having so many basic facilities and infrastructures in a city.

  5. To get to know the function of each of the element in the city. The functionality of the elements in the city is important as it determines how the city works. If one of the element is malfunction, it could give a negative impact to the city as well.






@2016 by Chrlotte Chin | FNBE 0116

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